Mission Statement

"employ evidence-based practices that strengthen and enhance the conditions that promote overall health and well-being for diverse populations"

About the Center for Transformative Health (CTH)

Contact Information Open
Areas of Research Open

Statistics have shown that Black and Brown communities and those citizens living in urban settings were hit the hardest and suffered the most during the COVID-19 pandemic. In minority communities, the pandemic has been a magnifier for common health problems underscoring the need for a public health agenda beyond COVID-19 and has necessitated ongoing health initiatives to prevent and manage disease occurrence while improving livability to transform lives.

At the Center for Transformative Health, we strive to conduct research and help develop multi-levelinterventions that not only drive change in population health, but further the science that transforms lives.

The primary goal of the center is to improve health and quality of life and serve as a resource center that will focus on health outcomes of diverse populations for the city of Houston and beyond. We work with local communities to develop, test, and evaluate solutions to 21st century problems, while developing creative and innovative approaches to improve public health.

The Center’s overall initiative is structured around the following:
  • Engaging stakeholders and community coalitions in conducting research focused on health promotion and disease prevention
  • Implementing multi-disciplinary community-based research initiatives
  • Designing opportunities that address the prevention and control of infectious diseases
  • Expending access to mental health resources and providers
  • Continuing to analyze the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic and be prepared to assist in the next public health emergency.
Training & Education
Chronic Disease Masterclass: Epidemiology, Prevention, and Intervention Open